Friday, January 30, 2009


I found the play "Art" by Yasmina Reza to be very interesting. The thing I noticed most about it was the use of audience directed monologues. As an actress I read a lot of plays and this is not something that is done often. I felt like it really worked in this play because it allowed the characters to say things that they could not say to the other characters. The monologues allow the characters to reveal a lot of important information to the audience without changing the dynamics between the three friends. For example, without these monolouges we need Marc to talk to either Serge or Yvan about how tolorant Yvan can be. This is important for us to know because it is forshadowing of what comes later, that Yvan stays in the middle of the argument. It would make no sense for Marc to talk to either character about this. By using the monologues we get this information in a way that makes sense and is intresting. The use of audience directed monologues can be wierd but I think it really works well as a device in this play.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Why do theatre?

In this day and age, with so much technology out there to create realistic movies and television, many people wonder why we should still do theatre. My answer to these skeptics is that something that is live is completely different from movies or TV.

Each time a play is performed it is different. it is that aspect that draws me to theatre. You never truly know what is going to happen. Even if you have seen a play a hundred times it will be a new experience.

Theatre can also interpret things in different ways. A movie can only be re-done so many times before it gets irritating, a play, however, can be done over and over again in new ways. It is all in how the director, the actors, and other important people, see the play. Each play can be re-interpreted for different time periods and ideals.

Theatre is a very important aspect of my life. As an actor i love the rush I get from being on-stage. You do not get the same rush on film. This is because on stage whatever happens happens and you have to just go with it. For example, if someone skips a line the other actors on stage have to cover it, or attempt to cue the person. On film someone would simply yell "cut" and re-do the scene.

I also think that it is important to continue to do theatre because of the deep history behind it. Theatre is one of the oldest forms of entertainment. By getting rid of theatre you are, in a way, ignoring this rich history.

Overall I believe that theatre is a very important thing. Of course, I'm a little bit biased because it is something I plan on being involved in forever. To get rid of this art form would be like getting rid of art, it is too important to ignore.